Monday, June 8, 2009

Tacoma Artists Guild

I am currently seeking artists in the Central Washington State area (Tacoma based) that are interested in further their art, but are without the crucial workspace and tools. I am looking for artistist interested in all aspects of pottery, jewelry making, mixed media, metal working, lapidary, enamal and glass (or whatever you can bring to the table that doesn't smell too bad). Membership would include private workspace and/or access to public work areas.

The Tacoma Artists Guild would operate on a not-for-profit basis. We would exist for the benefit of our member artists, providing access to space and tools. Members requiring private work space would be charged on a square foot basis. Those members only requiring the use of public space would be charged on a scale. Secure storage areas for private tools and materials will be available on a fee basis.

This project is in the developmental stage and hopes to have space in the very near future. Please contact me at this blog with comments, questions, new ideas.